Year: 2024

Matariki Fun day

Today I had a Matariki fun day.My first rotation was art and it was with Mrs Parrant. We had to draw a mountain or  lake of someone looking at the stars of Matariki. First we had to do a practice drawing and the copy it on to the other paper.I drew a mountain and river with fish’s swimming around and trees that were on hills.Then we had to start on a new one.After that I grabbed a piece of paper and then drew it again.Then my friend came to me and showed how he drew stars.Then I showed him my star and then tried his way of doing stars.After drawing the stars I starred to colour it in but then we had to get ready for morning tea.After packing up I grabbed my food and then ate it and went outside to play hand ball.Later after morning tea we all had to sit on the big mat and get ready for our next rotation.

Next rotation I did egg drop or egg challenge with Mr Hughes.First we sat on the mat and he read about Maori history to us.After he read us it he put on a video about how and egg can survive with straws and popcorn.Later on we had to buddy up with 4 people and then plan how we should make it.Me and my buddy’s wen to the table and plan and one of them said that we should make a parachute with a cup.Then Mr Hughes told us to come to the mat.Then he gave us pretend money to bye the items.  After that we gave him the money and told him what we want and then start make our devices.We used string a cup,bag and sale tap.Then he told us to clean up and come to the mat and the lined up outside to drop our eggs.The he gave us two eggs and then got ready for the eggs to crack.The first group went and it did not crack.There one was paper and the egg was in the middle.Then the next group went and there on was a balloon.There egg did not crack.Then it was our group.Me and my group was nerves but the it didn’t crack. Then the last group went and there one was made out of toilet  paper.They dropped it and it made it through.Then it was the scary part witch was the ladder.We all dropped but our one cracked.And then we went again and it cracked even more.But it was fun.Then he said we could smash the egg in the sink and then chuck the shell in the bin and got ready for lunch.

I had a great day.Have a happy Matariki day every one.