Tag: Room6

Reading Response Task

Task Description:I had to answer questions about a story called Reckless.

Reading Response


Name of Book: Reckless 

Author:Paul Manson

What happened in…

The beginning? The middle? The end?
A boy named Kane was walking on the side of the bay and he picked up a rock to skim. Kane saw Bronzies and then saw people who were swimming in their feeding spot. He warned the people and went home and gave his report card to his dad and then he left it on the table.


  1. Who are the main characters?
Kane and the Bronzies 
  1. Tell me something interesting about one of them
Kane is reckless and he cares about other people.
  1. What kind of challenges do they take on?
Kane tried to warn people that there were Bronzies in their swimming spot.
  1. What was the most exciting/interesting part?
Kane was able to warn the people and went back home to tell his dad what had happened.
  1. Have you done anything like this before?
I have not done this before at places.


About me Writing 2024

Kia ora.My name is Eziaz. I am a Yr6 Pt England school. My teacher’s name is Miss Tuia. I enjoy playing video games with my brother and dad, and washing the car outside our house .I also like to go out for walks to waterfalls and explore different places. Something else I like to do is swim at the pools. I play Rugby on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I also play basketball every Monday after school. I love learning about nature, life and space.

Camp Thankyou Letter 2024

Task Description:I had to write a thank you letter to some on that helped at camp.

Dear Mrs  Sio 


Thank you for taking us to our activities and giving us the gifts for the camp concert. Also thank you for improving our dance better during  practice Times and teaching us how to do it properly and making us do challenges While going on the bus to the pools on friday. 


Also, thank you for giving us treats before we went to bed and forcing everyone to try Their best at doing the kayaking and cyclo ball and the camp concert. And Thank you for picking out dances that we had to practise even when I was Away from school. 


 Thanks for adding some different parts into the chant when practising for The concert. And thank you for cheering all of us  on at the cyclo ball.


