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Immersion Recount draft

  Term 4  Immersion Assembly

Today was the first day of school. I was happy to come back to school and play with my friends. When the bell rang it was time to go to the Immersion Assembly and see what was happening. Soon it was about to start. At the start we were going to sing a song in the hall. The people that were doing the instruments were Mr Bert , and other teachers. They told us the song we were going to sing. When we were singing in the hall the teachers were singing. After that it was time for the team 1 item. It was about helping other people if something is wrong. Then it was the team 2 item. There’s was about feelings.Then it was team 3 item. It was about feelings in our heart. Team 4 had their item. It was about being a hero and helping others. And last of all was team 5. It was about standing up for someone else when they have been boiled. But my favourite one was team 3 because they were shouting colourful papers that were small but cool. It scared me when they shot out the colourful papers. Then  they were  throwing chocolate ciss and even blowing bubbles. It was the best one in the school. 


Describing a Waka Voyage

Today in New Zealand I was paddling in the sea with other men. I was in a Waka that was longer than us. We were going back to shore before the tide went back.So we were paddling in the waka with the fish we got for our village. When I got back to shore all the people were happy to see that we were going to have some dinner with our village.Then were going to a lake or river or creek or the beach.After we had dinner we went to a waterfall that was near by to us.Then it was night and all of us were tired from the day.Finally we went to bed for a nap and wake up the next day.

For The Birds?.

Today me and my friends were working on a task called For The Birds.

(15 little birds sitting on a power line)


Angle:   hey guys                                              


 Lewis: whatsup look at that big bird.

(They all turn and look at the big bird sitting on the power pole)

 Jaxson, why are you so mean.     

Papa :Oh no he wants to hang out with us Jakson.

  (He is not allowed to hang with us because he is a big bird and the little birds that are allowed to hang with us.)                                                                         


Jaxson:: Oh no he’s too big and not part of us.


Angle: why are you so mean? 


Lewis: No ,you’re not allowed to come and hang 

(Your not allowed to hang out because you are soout with us.


taff all a day.


Blees:ing why are you laughing at me?.